There is no minimum deposit specified. You can deposit any amount.
KuCoin is a cryptocurrency exchange based in Hong Kong. It offers one of the most trading pair selections- over 300 different pairs, and supports around 117 altcoins. The trading platform is offered in 12 major languages. KuCoin does not provide trading option with fiat currency.
All KuCoin users must be a holder of cryptocurrency before using KuCoin. Trading fee is a standard 0.1%. There is no fee for buying or depositing. Withdrawal fees vary depending on the altcoin. NEO and GAS are free to withdrawal.
The platform runs on a third-party TradingView system and is focused a bit more on users with trading experiences. Support is offered in Chinese and English. KuCoin offers its users to hold their very own cryptocurrency, KuCoin Shares (KCS). Users holding KCS can receive discounts on trading fees up to 30%.
No verification is needed for an account and all users are offered a 2-factor authentication option.
No verification is needed for an account
Crypto only. No fiat currency accepted.
KuCoin now offers users a suite of order types such as Limit, Stop, Market, Post Only, Iceberg etc.
KuCoin focuses on protecting users’ privacy and assets from infringement. Through a combination of account security features, frequent updates to their security policy, and vigilant monitoring of system security. 2- Fact authentication and email verification are available.
200+ countries and regions. The KYC list of countries supported by KuCoin will be found on your User Profile/Account Setting under KYC Verification.